Frequently Asked Questions
What is Mansfield Area Marines?
Mansfield Area Marines, (MAM), is a group of former & active Marines that muster each month to continue our rich tradition of Esprit d’Corps, and use our collective resources to support local Marines and their families in times of need.
Is MAM associated with the USMC?
No, though the Marine Corps Recruiters are typically members of MAM, and we try to mutually support each other’s missions whenever possible.
When are MAM meetings?
MAM meetings are held at 19:00 on the second Monday of every month at Fat Daddy's Sports and Spirits Café 781 W Debbie Lane Mansfield.
What are the requirements to join Mansfield Area Marines?
You must be or have been a Marine, Navy Corpsman or Chaplin. We ask that you provide a copy of your DD214 to our SGT of Arms to verify that you “Earned the Title”.
Do Mansfield Area Marines support any charities?
Yes, Many local and national charities including Toys for Tots, Honor Flight, Gold Star Mothers, and Kill22 Support Group.
I just want to hang out with other Marines, is that OK?
Certainly, but we ask all MAM members to be hard chargers, and support any MAM missions that they are able to. We firmly believe that the more you put into our organization the more you will get out of it, and the more successful MAM will be.
What kind of diversity does MAM have?
Mansfield Area Marines is very diverse group. We have members from the Vietnam era to present, males and WMs.
Can I bring guests to meetings?
Our meetings are for Marines and associated Navy personnel only. We have additional events, such as the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, where family and guests are welcome. Persons that wish to address our group at meetings are asked to secure this with our officers or Board beforehand.